The Augmented Human: Exploring the Boundaries of Alternative Realities

  • 1 minute de lecture

The Augmented Human: Exploring the Boundaries of Alternative Realities

What does the future of mixed reality look like? Join us with Paramount Pictures’ resident futurist, author, and entrepreneur Ted Schilowitz. Ted will take us on a thought-provoking journey exploring what connects us, what drives us, and the challenges of today’s technology being used as a communications tool.

The Augmented Human: Exploring the Boundaries of Alternative Realities
A lighthearted, thought-provoking journey, asking some basic questions:

  • Where are we as a human race today? 
  • Why is it harder and harder to “unplug” “get off the grid?
  • Are we ready for the next steps in Virtual and Augmented Reality?

Join us for this live presentation and Q&A with our special guest on:

Thursday, Oct. 1st at 1 pm
Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

Registration link :